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Korean War Armistice to Peace Treaty (7/27/2024)
On the 71st anniversary of the Korean War Armistice, call for peace settlement in the Korean Peninsula. Rally at the White House,...

Marching for Peace in Korea (UN Headquarters) (4/28/2024)
Marching for peace in Korea, at the United Nations Headquarters, NYC

10th Anniversary Event in Remembrance of Sewol (4/14/2024)
Tenth anniversary event in remembrance of the Sewol Ferry victims. The Lincoln Memorial, Wahington, DC

Korea Peace Advocacy Meetings with US Congress (3/25/2024)
Korea peace advocacy meetings with US Congressional offices, conveying calls for a negotiated settlement in the Korean peninsula, at this time...

Korea Peace Rally and March, NYC (9/2/2023)
Saturday, September 30, 2023, 2 ~ 4 pm Dag Hammarskjöld Plaza -> Ralph Bunche Park, NYC This year marks the 70th year of...

Successful Korea Peace Action (7/28/2023)
National Mobilization to End the Korean War on the 70th Anniversary of the Korean Armistice (Washington, DC) July 26-28, 2023 Co-Conveners: American Friends...

Fundraiser for July 27 Events (7/6/2023)
Fundraising Night for Korean War Armistice to Peace Treaty Events With Korean food, drinks, and company of friends and supporters When: July...

Call for Peace on Korea/July 27 Gatherings (7/5/2023)
National Mobilization to Call for Peace on the 70th Anniversary of the Korean Armistice (Washington, DC) NAKA is a Co-Convener July 27 at...

Reflections on US-ROK Alliance in the Humanities (6/18/2023)
Seminar on Reflections on the US-ROK Alliance in the Humanities June 26, 2023 Library of Congress Washington, DC

Protest Rally Against Fukushima Waste Water (6/17/2023)
Protest Rally Against Fukushima (Japan) Nuclear Waste Water Discharge into the Ocean June 26, 2023 Japanese Consulate in NYC and the UN Headquarters

Lecture by Prof. Kim Jin-hyang (6/7/2023)
"Crisis in Korea Under Yun Administration" Lecture by Prof. Kim Jin-hyang Former Chair of the Kae-sung Inter-Korean Industrial Complex June 27, 2023, 6 PM Washington...

Korea Peace Advocacy Week (5/17/2023)
NAKA members will be participating in the Korea Peace Advocacy Week sponsored by the Korea Peace Network and Korea Peace Now,...

Remembering Former President Roh Moo-hyun (5/7/2023)
Remembering Roh Moo-hyun, the Former President of South Korea May 21, 2023, 7 PM William Cho Peace Center 3883 Plaza Drive Fairfax, VA

Remembrance of the Sewol Ferry Disaster Victims (4/7/2023)
Annual Gathering at the Lincoln Memorial in Remembrance of the Sewol Ferry Disaster Victims and the Walk Around the Reflecting Pool April...

NAKA Forum on Korean Diaspora (1/23/2023)
NAKA Forum Notice Feb. 1, 2023, 7:30 PM, Eastern "Korean Identity -- Diaspora is the Future" Speaker: Joseph (Hoo Suk) Juhn, Filmmaker and Director Director...

NAKA Board Meeting (1/5/2023)
Notice: NAKA Board Meeting January 26, 2023, 8 PM ET Via Zoom

See Also...
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